
How To Play Minecraft On Hamachi

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This wikiHow teaches you how to create a Minecraft server on your Windows or Mac computer by using a gratuitous program called Hamachi. Keep in mind that this procedure will just work for Coffee editions of Minecraft on desktop; attempting to use this method for the Windows 10, Pocket Edition, or panel editions of Minecraft won't work.

  1. 1

    Download Hamachi. Become to in your computer's web browser, and so click the green Download now button in the centre of the page. The Hamachi setup file will download onto your figurer.

    • If you're on a Mac and prompts a Windows file to download, click the Mac link below the Download at present button to strength the Mac version to download.
  2. two

    Install Hamachi. In one case y'all've downloaded Hamachi, install it according to your operating organization:

    • Windows — Double-click the Hamachi setup file, select a linguistic communication and click Next, check the "I accept read" box and click Next, click Side by side, and click Install. Click Yes if prompted at any signal in the installation, and so click Finish when prompted.
    • Mac — Open the ZIP binder, double-click the extracted Hamachi setup file, click Open, verify the download if necessary, cheque the "I accept read" box, and click Install. Enter your countersign if prompted, and then click Stop when prompted.


  3. 3

    Download the Minecraft server file. Become to states/download/server in your computer'southward spider web browser, then click the minecraft_server.ane.fifteen.2.jar link in the heart of the page. This will prompt the Minecraft Java server file to download onto your computer.

  4. 4

    Create a folder on your desktop. This is the folder in which you'll place and run your Minecraft server. To create an empty folder, do the following:

    • Windows — Correct-click the desktop, select New, click Folder, type in Minecraft Server, and printing Enter .
    • Mac — Click File, click New Folder, type in Minecraft Server, and press Return .
  5. 5

    Place the Minecraft server file in the folder. Click and drag the downloaded Minecraft server file onto the new folder'due south icon, and then release information technology there.

    • Y'all tin can also copy it past clicking the server file, pressing Ctrl+C (Windows) or Command+C (Mac), opening the new folder, and pressing Ctrl+V or Command+V .
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  1. 1

    Make certain that you have the latest version of both Minecraft and Java. The easiest way to exercise this for Minecraft is by double-clicking the Minecraft launcher and waiting for it to update itself if necessary. For Coffee, open Internet Explorer, become to, click Hold and Continue, and follow any on-screen prompts.

    • If nothing happens, your Java is up-to-date.
    • Since most modern browsers don't support Java, using Cyberspace Explorer is the best way to ensure you don't see any errors.
  2. 2

    Open the Minecraft server folder. Double-click the binder to do so.

  3. 3

    Double-click the server file. Doing so will prompt the server files to begin unpacking within of the folder.

    • Make certain you double-click the server launch file, which resembles a gear on a white groundwork, rather than the text document.
  4. 4

    Concur to the Minecraft server terms of utilise. In one case the "eula" file appears, double-click it to open up it in Notepad, so delete false from the "eula=false" line and type in truthful. You lot can and then press Ctrl+Due south to relieve the changes and leave Notepad.

    • The edited "eula" file should now read "eula=true" instead of "eula=false"
  5. 5

    Double-click the server file again. This will prompt the server to resume unpacking.

  6. vi

    Close the "Minecraft server" window when it finishes loading. One time you see "Done" in the line of text at the lesser of the window, click the X in the top-right corner of the window. At this betoken, you're gratuitous to configure Hamachi.

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  1. 1

    Brand sure that you accept the latest version of both Minecraft and Java. The easiest way to practice this for Minecraft is by double-clicking the Minecraft launcher and waiting for it to update itself if necessary.

    • As of June 2018, the latest version of Java is version 8 Update 251. You can download it from Java'southward website by going to and clicking the Free Java Download button.
  2. two

    Double-click the Minecraft server file. This will cause information technology to brainstorm unpacking inside of your new folder.

  3. 3

    Hold to the Minecraft server terms of use. Once the "eula" file appears, double-click it to open it in TextEdit, so delete faux from the "eula=false" line and blazon in truthful. Y'all tin can and so press Control+Due south to save the changes and go out TextEdit.

    • The edited "eula" file should now read "eula=true" instead of "eula=false"
  4. 4

    Double-click the Minecraft server file again. It will resume unpacking files inside of the folder.

  5. 5

    Close the "Minecraft server" window when it finishes loading. One time you lot see "Done" in the line of text at the bottom of the window, you tin can click the cherry circle in the superlative-left corner of the window to shut information technology. At this betoken, you're free to configure Hamachi.

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  1. one

    Open Hamachi. Open up Beginning

    (Windows) or Spotlight

    (Mac), blazon in hamachi, and click or double-click LogMeIn Hamachi in the search results.

    • On a Mac, Network is a menu item at the height of the screen.
  2. 2

    Click the "Power" icon. This is at the top of the Hamachi window. Doing so will turn on Hamachi and prompt a login window to appear.

  3. 3

    Sign up for Hamachi. Click the Sign upwardly link in the upper-right corner of the window, then enter your email in the "e-mail" text box, type a countersign into the "countersign" text box, re-type your password into the "retype password" box, and click Create account.

  4. iv

    Click the Network tab. It's at the top of the Hamachi window. A drop-downwardly bill of fare volition announced.

  5. 5

    Click Create a new network… . It'south in the drop-downward menu. Doing so prompts a pop-up window to appear.

  6. 6

    Enter a name for your server. In the "Network ID" text box, type in whatever you want to proper name your server.

    • If yous select a server name which has already been used, Hamachi volition alert you that the name is already taken.
  7. vii

    Enter a password for your server. Type your preferred server password into the "Password" text box, then re-blazon the password into the "Confirm password" text box.

  8. eight

    Click Create . Information technology'south at the bottom of the window. This will create your server.

  9. 9

    Paste your Hamachi IP accost into your server folder. This is how the server volition know to use Hamachi:

    • Right-click (or Control -click) the IP accost at the top of the Hamachi window.
    • Click Copy IPv4 address
    • Rename the "server.backdrop" text file in your Minecraft server binder to "serverproperties".
    • Double-click the "serverproperties" file, then confirm or click your computer's text-editing app.
    • Click to the correct of the "server-ip=" text line.
    • Printing Ctrl+V (Windows) or Control+V (Mac).
    • Save the file past pressing Ctrl+S or Command+South , then exit the text editor.
  10. 10

    Go online. Right-click (or Control -click) the server name, so click Become online in the drop-downwards menu.

    • If you see Go offline in the drop-down menu, your server is already online.
  11. xi

    Have your friends join your server. If y'all desire to have some people join your server, they will have to download and install Hamachi earlier doing the following:

    • Open Hamachi.
    • Click Network
    • Click Bring together existing network...
    • Enter the server's name and password in the "Network ID" and "Password" text fields, respectively.
    • Click Join
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  1. 1

    Run the server file. Double-click the Java server file in your Minecraft Server file. This will open the server file's control window.

    • You lot'll also want to ensure that your Hamachi server is running before proceeding.
    • To give yourself moderator privileges, type /op username (where "username" is your Minecraft username) into the text field at the bottom of the server run window and press Enter .
  2. 2

    Open Minecraft. Open up the Minecraft launcher by double-clicking or clicking the grass block-shaped Minecraft app icon, then click PLAY at the bottom of the window.

  3. 3

    Click Multiplayer . It's in the heart of the main carte du jour.

  4. 4

    Click Add Server . Yous'll find this selection at the bottom of the window.

  5. 5

    Enter your server'south proper noun. In the "Server Name" text box, type in the proper noun of the server as it appears in Hamachi.

  6. 6

    Paste in your server's address. Click the "Server Address" text box, then printing either Ctrl+V (Windows) or Command+Five (Mac). You should see the IPv4 address you copied earlier appear here.

  7. 7

    Click Done . It'south at the bottom of the window. This will prompt Minecraft to begin searching for your server.

  8. viii

    Select your server. Once your server appears in the search results, click its name one time to select it.

  9. 9

    Click Join Server . This option is at the bottom of the window.

  10. x

    Wait for the server to load. Once the server finishes loading, you'll be placed as a player in the world, at which signal y'all tin can begin playing as you normally would.

    • You may exist prompted to enter a password before your world finishes loading. If so, type in the password you used to create your server when you configured Hamachi.
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  • Question

    What does Hamachi exercise for Minecraft?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Respond

    Hamachi allows yous to play LAN worlds with people online. It'southward the easiest way of playing Minecraft with friends without having to pay for a server or discover a Minecraft realm.

  • Question

    What is the Hamachi IP address?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This respond was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated information technology for accurateness and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    The Hamachi IP address is what you lot make on Hamachi that your friends bring together, directly connect this specific IP, then the port to open up to LAN that hosts it. The IP is your IPV4 address in Hamachi. When looking at Hamachi, right-click on the numbers next to the power button and information technology should say "copy ipv4 accost." Try that as the IP, and if that doesn't work, try the IPV6 accost.

  • Question

    How do you join a LAN earth in Minecraft?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by i of our trained squad of researchers who validated it for accurateness and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Reply

    You tin can join a LAN world in Minecraft either on the same WiFi as someone (usually this will mean y'all're in the aforementioned house/edifice) or you can practise it equally explained in the article higher up via Hamachi, online.

  • Question

    Tin you lot play Minecraft LAN with Hamachi?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This reply was written by one of our trained squad of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    Yes, y'all can play Minecraft LAN with Hamachi. Commencement, download Hamachi, then make a "server" on it and accept your friends join. After doing this, you should be able to accept all of your friend/player group join Minecraft LAN via Hamachi.

  • Question

    What if I want to do a croaky server?

    Community Answer

    Go into server backdrop. Change the line labeled "online-mode" from "truthful" to "false."

  • Question

    How practise I choose the globe for the server?

    Community Answer

    You have to go to your search bar then search %appdata%. After that, expect for the .minecraft folder, then go into your saves. Find the earth that y'all want to use and copy information technology, and then paste it in the server file, and in Server Properties, modify the level proper noun to your world's name.

  • Question

    How hard is it to install LogMeIn Hamachi?

    Community Answer

    Information technology's extremely easy. Merely go to their site, download the .msi (installer), and run it. It handles everything, and even has the option to launch Hamachi once you're washed.

  • Question

    Why can I but play the demo version?

    Community Answer

    It probably means that you did not buy the total game, or yous are logged in on a wrong account.

  • Question

    Where practice I find the server IP on Himachi?

    Community Answer

    The IP is your IPV4 address in Hamachi. When looking at Hamachi, right-click on the numbers side by side to the power push and information technology should say "re-create ipv4 address." Try that every bit the IP, and if that doesn't work, try the IPV6 accost.

  • Question

    Why does my Minecraft server close immediately after I open information technology?

    Community Answer

    Look for EULA.txt text file in the binder where you launched the file from. Change false to truthful inside of information technology, indicating that you agree to EULA and relieve the text file.

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  • You cannot use Hamachi and the Minecraft server file in conjunction with the Windows 10 version of Minecraft.


Virtually This Article

Article Summary X

one. Download Hamachi and the Minecraft server file.
ii. Create a "Minecraft Server" folder and drag the file into the binder.
3. Open up the server binder and double-click the server launch file.
iv. Take the terms, save, and close the file.
v. Sign into Hamachi and create a new network.
6. Rename the text file in your server folder and delete the period from ""
7. Open up the file in Text Editor.
8. Paste your IP from Hamachi subsequently "server-ip" and salve the file.
9. Click Go Online in Hamachi.

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How To Play Minecraft On Hamachi,


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