
How To Make A Sign On Minecraft

A sign is a non-solid cake that tin display text. A sign can also exist used to block or redirect the menstruum of water or lava while even so allowing entities to laissez passer.

Obtaining [ ]

Natural generation [ ]

An oak sign can be found in igloo basements.

Spruce signs can be found in taiga village houses, every bit part of a chair.

Breaking [ ]

Signs tin can be broken with any tool, or without a tool, merely an axe is fastest.

Cake Sign
Hardness 1
Breaking time[A]
Default 1.five
Wooden 0.75
Stone 0.4
Iron 0.25
Diamond 0.2
Netherite 0.2
Golden 0.15
  1. Times are for unenchanted tools as wielded by players with no condition effects, measured in seconds. For more information, see Breaking § Speed.

A sign also breaks and drops itself as an item if the block the sign is attached to is moved, removed, or destroyed.

If a sign is cleaved while beingness edited, the player continues to edit the sign,[one] although in Bedrock Edition breaking the sign stops the editing operation.

Chest loot [ ]

Particular Structure Container Quantity Chance
Bedrock Edition
Oak Sign Hamlet Taiga firm breast one 10.vii%
Particular Structure Container Quantity Adventure
Java Edition
Spruce Sign Village Taiga firm breast 1 9.7%

Crafting [ ]

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Matching Planks +

3 3 three 3 3 3 iii 3 3

Usage [ ]

Signs can be used to display text; They're commonly used to identify chest inventories, display information to other players, or notation areas of interest. They may too be used to restrict lava or water movements such as in Spawner traps, or crude airlocks into submerged areas.

Placement [ ]

Comparison of the sign sizes.

Signs may be placed on the top or side of other blocks (including some non-solid blocks like fences, glass, and other signs). To identify a sign, use a sign item while pointing at the block the sign should be fastened to, enter the desired text (possibly none), and click the "Done" button or press "escape" on a keyboard (or press × in Bedrock Edition, B button on an Xbox controller, Circle button on a PlayStation controller, or B on a Nintendo Switch controller. Closing the virtual keyboard on a mobile device likewise exits the typing menu). To identify a sign on a cake that can be interacted with by the apply command (for case, chests, notation blocks, etc.), sneak while placing the sign.

Signs on the height of a cake stand up on a short post and confront toward the player who placed it, in any of 16 different directions. Signs placed on the side of a cake simply bladder there, fifty-fifty if the cake doesn't make contact with the sign.

For more data virtually the blocks signs can exist placed on, see Opacity/Placement.

Text [ ]

Placing a sign opens an editor interface resembling a magnified view of the sign. Upwards to iv lines of text can then exist entered using a keyboard (hardware or on-screen). The editor supports limited editing, including moving the cursor and inserting and deleting characters. Formatting codes tin also be used to apply decorative effects such every bit color, bold, italic, and underline to various bits of the text.‌[ Bedrock Edition only ] Depending on the edition and platform in utilize, copy and paste operations may exist supported and the editor may as well support keyboard entry of Alt-codes for displaying Unicode characters.

As text is entered in the editor, the sign is updated in-world and other players tin watch the message develop. Closing the interface saves the text permanently, after which the message can only exist inverse by replacing the sign with a new one.

Later on placing and affixing text on a sign, a player can modify the text colour by using a dye on it. When colored with dye, the text colour may differ from whatever color specified by formatting codes.[ more information needed ]

Oak sign with Glow Ink in Java edition one.17-pre1.

A player tin can use a glow ink sac on a sign to make its text glow. The glowing text is not affected past lighting. The player can use a regular black ink sac on the sign to remove the glowing outcome.

Glow ink colors
Name Main Colour Edge Colour







Light Gray





Light Blue





In Creative mode, the combination Ctrl + pick block on Windows, or ⌘ Cmd + pick block on MacBook, tin be used to copy an already-placed sign, including its text (with decorations), into the player's inventory.

A dyed sign facing east or westward will have its text appear more saturated and bright than a sign facing north or south. Nonetheless, it is actually the sign that is dimmer, because Minecraft's lighting engine uses side lighting to make the world appear less apartment, but the text on signs is not afflicted by this.[ needs testing ]

In Bedrock Edition, inappropriate words or phrases in a sign's text are displayed equally asterisks.

In Java Edition, signs can be created with JSON text, which allows complex formatting (colors, bold, italic, etc.), hover and click events, localized translation (for Minecraft technical terms, similar "Redstone Repeater", otherwise translations must be provided in language files in resource packs), and the incorporation of scoreboard values into text. Utilise the /data merge block command to create or alter JSON signs.

Instance: /data merge block ~ ~1 ~ {Text2:'{"text":"line2","colour":"blue"}'}

Signs can mail the success count of JSON text hover and click events to scoreboard objectives. The objectives to exist used can be specified past running the /execute shop command or by modifying the sign'due south NBT data directly with the /data merge cake command.

Interaction [ ]

Signs act as though they have a apply action, so the player is unable to identify blocks or apply items while the cursor is pointed at them without sneaking .

Signs are removed and drop as an particular when pushed by a piston (trying to pull them does nothing), except in Java Edition, where a sign causes the piston to not extend.

Signs have no collision mask (they are completely non-solid), then items and mobs tin move through sign blocks. Other blocks (including other signs) tin be placed on whatever border of a sign.

Water and lava period around signs. Lava tin create burn in air blocks side by side to signs as if the signs were flammable, simply the signs practice non burn (and cannot be burned by other methods either, except in Bedrock Edition).

Fuel [ ]

Wooden signs tin can be used every bit a fuel in furnaces, smelting i detail per sign.

Annotation Blocks [ ]

Signs can be placed under note blocks to produce "bass" sounds.

Sounds [ ]

Generic [ ]

Java Edition:

Sound Subtitles Source Clarification Resources location Translation central Volume Pitch Attenuation
Block cleaved Blocks Once the block has broken block.wood.suspension subtitles.block.generic.break 1.0 0.8 16
None [sound 1] Blocks Falling on the cake with fall damage block.woods.fall None [sound 1] 0.5 0.75 16
Cake breaking Blocks While the cake is in the procedure of being broken cake.wood.hitting subtitles.block.generic.hit 0.25 0.5 16
Block placed Blocks When the block is placed one.0 0.8 16
Footsteps Blocks Walking on the block block.wood.step subtitles.block.generic.footsteps 0.15 1.0 xvi
  1. a b MC-177082

Bedrock Edition:

Sound Subtitles Source Description Resources location Translation key Volume Pitch Attenuation
? ? Blocks One time the cake has broken dig.forest ? 1.0 0.eight ?
? ? Blocks Falling on the cake with autumn damage autumn.wood ? 0.4 1.0 ?
? ? Blocks While the block is in the process of existence cleaved hit.forest ? 0.23 0.v ?
? ? Blocks Jumping from the block leap.wood ? 0.12 1.0 ?
? ? Blocks Falling on the block without autumn damage land.wood ? 0.18 i.0 ?
? ? Blocks Walking on the cake footstep.forest ? 0.3 1.0 ?
? ? Blocks When the cake is placed use.forest ? 1.0 0.8 ?

Unique [ ]

Audio Subtitles Source Clarification Resource location Translation central Volume Pitch Attenuation
Glow Ink Sac splotches Blocks Using glow ink sac on the cake item.glow_ink_sac.utilize subtitles.detail.glow_ink_sac.use ? ? ?
Ink Sac splotches Blocks Using ink sac on the cake item.ink_sac.utilize subtitles.item.ink_sac.use ? ? ?
Dye stains Blocks Using dye on the block item.dye.use subtitles.item.dye.utilise ? ? ?

Data values [ ]

ID [ ]

Java Edition:

Proper noun Identifier Form Cake tags Item tags Translation fundamental
Oak Sign oak_sign Block & Detail signs
signs block.minecraft.oak_sign
Spruce Sign spruce_sign Block & Particular signs
signs block.minecraft.spruce_sign
Birch Sign birch_sign Block & Item signs
signs block.minecraft.birch_sign
Jungle Sign jungle_sign Block & Particular signs
signs block.minecraft.jungle_sign
Acacia Sign acacia_sign Block & Item signs
signs cake.minecraft.acacia_sign
Dark Oak Sign dark_oak_sign Block & Detail signs
signs block.minecraft.dark_oak_sign
Mangrove Sign mangrove_sign Block & Detail signs
signs block.minecraft.mangrove_sign
Crimson Sign crimson_sign Block & Item non_flammable_wood
Warped Sign warped_sign Block & Particular non_flammable_wood
Oak Wall Sign oak_wall_sign Cake signs
Spruce Wall Sign spruce_wall_sign Block signs
Birch Wall Sign birch_wall_sign Block signs
Jungle Wall Sign jungle_wall_sign Block signs
Acacia Wall Sign acacia_wall_sign Block signs
Dark Oak Wall Sign dark_oak_wall_sign Cake signs
Mangrove Wall Sign mangrove_wall_sign Block signs
Reddish Wall Sign crimson_wall_sign Cake non_flammable_wood
Warped Wall Sign warped_wall_sign Cake non_flammable_wood
Name Identifier
Block entity sign

Bedrock Edition:

Sign Identifier Allonym ID Numeric ID Form Item ID[i 1] Translation key
Oak standing standing_sign None 63 Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2] Identical[i 3]
Spruce standing spruce_standing_sign None 436 Cake & Ungiveable Item[i 2] Identical[i iii]
Birch standing birch_standing_sign None 441 Block & Ungiveable Item[i two] Identical[i 3]
Jungle continuing jungle_standing_sign None 443 Cake & Ungiveable Item[i two] Identical[i 3]
Acacia standing acacia_standing_sign None 445 Block & Ungiveable Particular[i ii] Identical[i 3] tile.acacia_standing_sign.proper name
Dark Oak standing darkoak_standing_sign None 447 Cake & Ungiveable Detail[i 2] Identical[i 3]
Crimson standing crimson_standing_sign None 505 Cake & Ungiveable Item[i 2] Identical[i iii]
Warped continuing warped_standing_sign None 506 Block & Ungiveable Particular[i 2] Identical[i 3] tile.warped_standing_sign.proper name
Mangrove continuing mangrove_standing_sign None ? Block & Ungiveable Item[i ii] Identical[i 3]
Oak wall wall_sign None 68 Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2] Identical[i iii]
Spruce wall spruce_wall_sign None 437 Block & Ungiveable Item[i two] Identical[i three]
Birch wall birch_wall_sign None 442 Block & Ungiveable Detail[i ii] Identical[i 3]
Jungle wall jungle_wall_sign None 444 Block & Ungiveable Detail[i 2] Identical[i 3]
Acacia wall acacia_wall_sign None 446 Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2] Identical[i 3]
Dark Oak wall darkoak_wall_sign None 448 Block & Ungiveable Particular[i ii] Identical[i 3]
Cherry-red wall crimson_wall_sign None 507 Block & Ungiveable Item[i two] Identical[i 3]
Warped wall warped_wall_sign None 508 Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2] Identical[i 3]
Mangrove wall mangrove_wall_sign None ? Cake & Ungiveable Item[i two] Identical[i iii]
Oak particular sign None 358 Detail item.sign.proper noun
Spruce item spruce_sign None 576 Item particular.spruce_sign.proper name
Birch item birch_sign None 577 Item
Jungle item jungle_sign None 578 Detail
Acacia item acacia_sign None 579 Particular
Dark Oak particular dark_oak_sign darkoak_sign 580 Particular item.darkoak_sign.proper noun
Red item crimson_sign None 614 Detail
Warped particular warped_sign None 615 Item
Mangrove item mangrove_sign None ? Item
  1. ID of cake'south direct item form, which is used in savegame files and addons.
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k 50 thou northward o p q r Unavailable with /give control
  3. a b c d e f g h i j k l m due north o p q r The block'due south direct detail form has the same id with the block.
Name Savegame ID
Block entity Sign

Block states [ ]

Java Edition:

Name Default value Allowed values Description
rotation 0 0 The block is facing south.
1 The block is facing south-southwest.
2 The block is facing southwest.
3 The cake is facing due west-southwest.
four The cake is facing w.
v The block is facing due west-northwest.
6 The block is facing northwest.
7 The block is facing north-northwest.
8 The block is facing north.
ix The block is facing north-northeast.
x The cake is facing northeast.
11 The cake is facing east-northeast.
12 The cake is facing east.
thirteen The block is facing east-southeast.
14 The block is facing southeast.
xv The block is facing south-southeast.
lit false false
Whether or not this sign has glowing text.
waterlogged false faux
Whether or not there's water in the same place as this sign.
Name Default value Allowed values Description
facing north east
The direction the block is facing. For example, a cake facing east is attached to a block to its westward.
Opposite from the direction a actor faces when placing the block.
lit false faux
Whether or not this sign has glowing text.
waterlogged imitation false
Whether or not there'southward water in the aforementioned place as this sign.

Bedrock Edition:

Name Metadata Bits Default value Allowed values Values for
Metadata Bits
ground_sign_direction 0x1
0 0 0 The block is facing south.
1 1 The block is facing due south-southwest.
2 2 The block is facing southwest.
three 3 The block is facing due west-southwest.
iv 4 The block is facing due west.
five 5 The block is facing west-northwest.
vi six The block is facing northwest.
seven 7 The block is facing northward-northwest.
eight 8 The block is facing north.
9 ix The block is facing due north-northeast.
10 10 The block is facing northeast.
11 11 The block is facing due east-northeast.
12 12 The cake is facing east.
13 13 The cake is facing east-southeast.
14 14 The block is facing southeast.
15 fifteen The block is facing south-southeast.
Name Metadata $.25 Default value Immune values Values for
Metadata Bits
facing_direction 0x1
ii 2
The direction the block is facing. For example, a block facing due east is attached to a block to its west.
  • 2: north
  • 3: s
  • 4: westward
  • 5: east

Block data [ ]

A sign has a block entity associated with information technology that holds boosted data about the cake.

Coffee Edition:

  • Block entity data
    •  GlowingText: 1 or 0 (truthful/false) - true if the sign has been dyed with a glow ink sac.
    •  Color: The colour that has been used to dye the sign. The default value is "black". 1 of "white", "orange", "magenta", "light_blue", "xanthous", "lime", "pink", "gray", "light_gray", "cyan", "imperial", "blue", "dark-brown", "green", "red", or "black".
    •  Text1: Get-go row of text.
    •  Text2: Second row of text.
    •  Text3: Third row of text.
    •  Text4: Quaternary row of text.

The graphic symbol limit for the Text tags depends on the width of the characters. Although the Text tags are cord objects, they should incorporate JSON text which are evaluated equally chemical compound objects.

Bedrock Edition:

See Bedrock Edition level format/Block entity format.

Achievements [ ]

Icon Accomplishment In-game clarification Bodily requirements (if different) Gamerscore earned Trophy type (PS4)
PS4 Other platforms
It's a Sign! Craft and place an Oak Sign. 15G Bronze

Advancements [ ]

Icon Advancement In-game description Parent Actual requirements (if different) Resource location
Advancement-plain-raw.png Glow and Behold!
Make the text of a sign glow Husbandry Use a glow ink sac on a sign. husbandry/make_a_sign_glow

History [ ]

Java Edition Classic
0.24_SURVIVAL_TEST Sign Entity.png Signs are currently being tested as entities. They e'er brandish "This is a test of the signs. Each line tin be 15 chars!" and can only be spawned past pressing B.[ii]
0.27 SURVIVAL TEST Signs can no longer be spawned by pressing B.
Java Edition Infdev
20100607 Signs have been re-implemented every bit blocks, although still rendering as entities.
Signs now accept a crafting recipe and the text can at present be edited. Editing a sign pauses the game in singleplayer.
Signs are currently huge and driblet planks when destroyed.
Signs exercise not have a particle texture defined. As such, they default to using the grass block texture instead.
20100608 Signs are now broken faster.
Signs now driblet themselves when destroyed, instead of planks.
Signs at present use planks particles.
Java Edition Alpha
v1.0.1 Oak Wall Sign (S) JE1 BE1.png Added wall signs.
Oak Sign (0) JE2.png Signs are now smaller.
v1.0.5 Signs no longer crave a free block to a higher place it to place.
Coffee Edition Beta
April 27, 2011 Manus-drawn signs are mentioned.
Java Edition
ane.0.0 Beta 1.nine Prerelease vi Signs are now cleaved faster using an axe.
i.3.1 12w18a Editing a sign no longer pauses the game in singleplayer.
12w27a Signs are now stackable upwardly to 16.
The same crafting recipe at present produces 3 signs instead of 1.
June 9, 2014 Searge tweeted a picture of a sign showing a username and a scoreboard score.
1.8 14w25a Added support for JSON text to signs.
Sign character limit at present depends on character width.
14w29a Signs now display the smashing animation.
1.ix 15w43a A sign now generates inside igloo basements.
i.11 16w33a Signs can now be used as fuel in furnaces.
one.13 17w47a The continuing sign ID has been inverse from standing_sign to sign.
Prior to The Flattening, these blocks' numeral IDs were 63 and 68, and the detail's 323.
18w10d Water can now be placed on the same block every bit signs.
1.14 18w43a "Sign" has been renamed to "Oak Sign".
Oak Sign JE2 BE2.png The texture of oak sign items has been inverse.
Spruce Standing Sign JE1 BE1.png Birch Standing Sign JE1 BE1.png Jungle Standing Sign JE1 BE1.png Acacia Standing Sign JE1 BE1.png Dark Oak Standing Sign JE1 BE1.png Spruce Sign JE1 BE1.png Birch Sign JE1 BE1.png Jungle Sign JE1 BE1.png Acacia Sign JE1 BE1.png Dark Oak Sign JE1 BE1.png Added bandbox, birch, jungle, acacia and dark oak signs.
The sign's text has been changed from black to white.
A sign's recipe now requires the same blazon of wood instead of a random assortment.
18w44a Signs can now be used while belongings a dye to change the text color.
Default text color for signs has been changed dorsum to black.
18w45a A new movable cursor for gratis text editing to signs has been added.
Option and copy/paste support take been added to signs.
18w50a Bandbox signs at present generate in some taiga village houses.
Spruce sign items can at present be constitute in chests in taiga village houses.
19w12a Signs can now be dyed only in Artistic mode.
19w12b Signs can now be dyed in Survival style over again.
i.xvi 20w06a Crimson Standing Sign JE1 BE1.png Warped Standing Sign JE1 BE1.png Crimson Sign JE1 BE1.png Warped Sign JE1 BE1.png Added crimson and warped signs.
20w09a Crimson and warped signs tin now be crafted.
1.17 21w03a Signs can now exist tinted with glow ink sacs to make the text glow.
Works with both undyed and dyed signs.
Signs at present accept a sound for being dyed.
21w11a Oak Standing Sign (S) JE2.png Spruce Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Birch Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Jungle Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Acacia Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Dark Oak Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Oak Wall Sign (S) JE2.png Spruce Wall Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Birch Wall Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Jungle Wall Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Acacia Wall Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Dark Oak Wall Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png The textures of signs accept been inverse to reflect the changes fabricated to planks in the Texture Update.
Pre-release 1 Glowing text on signs now has an outer glow, making text more visible in the dark.
one.18 21w41a Oak Sign JE3.png Spruce Sign JE2.png Birch Sign JE2.png Acacia Sign JE2.png Jungle Sign JE2.png Dark Oak Sign JE2.png Crimson Sign JE2.png Warped Sign JE2.png Inverse all signs textures every bit items.
1.19 22w11a Mangrove Sign JE1 BE1.png Mangrove Wall Sign JE1 BE1.png Mangrove Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png Added mangrove signs.
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.5.0 Oak Standing Sign.png Oak Sign JE1 BE1.png Signs accept been added, though they can be obtained only through inventory editors.
The thespian currently cannot write on signs.
v0.6.0 Signs tin now be legitimately obtained in Survival and Creative fashion.
The actor can now write on signs.
v0.10.0 build ane Signs at present accept a selection overlay.
Pocket Edition
1.0.0 alpha Signs can now be found in igloo basements.
Bedrock Edition
i.9.0 beta "Sign" has been renamed to "Oak Sign".
Spruce Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Birch Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Jungle Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Acacia Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Dark Oak Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Spruce Sign JE1 BE1.png Birch Sign JE1 BE1.png Jungle Sign JE1 BE1.png Acacia Sign JE1 BE1.png Dark Oak Sign JE1 BE1.png Added bandbox, birch, jungle, acacia and dark oak signs.
The sign's text has been changed from black to white.
A sign's recipe at present requires the aforementioned type of forest instead of a random array.
beta 1.nine.0.2 The default sign text color has been changed back to blackness.
Sign variants are now grouped in their own inventory category.
1.10.0 beta Oak Sign JE2 BE2.png The texture of oak sign items has been inverse.
Spruce signs now generate in new taiga and snowy taiga village houses.
1.eleven.0 beta Signs tin can now exist used equally a fuel in furnaces.
Oak signs can now exist found inside taiga and snowy taiga hamlet house chests.
1.16.0 beta 1.sixteen.0.51 Crimson Standing Sign JE1 BE1.png Warped Standing Sign JE1 BE1.png Crimson Sign JE1 BE1.png Warped Sign JE1 BE1.png Added ruddy and warped signs.
Spruce Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Birch Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Jungle Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Acacia Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Dark Oak Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Spruce Wall Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Birch Wall Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Jungle Wall Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Acacia Wall Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Dark Oak Wall Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png The texture of all signs except oak sign accept been changed.
1.16.twenty beta one.16.20.fifty Cerise and warped signs at present uses regular plank sounds instead of their stem variant sounds.
i.xvi.210 beta ane.16.210.59 Signs can at present be used while holding a dye to change the text color.
Signs can now be tinted with glow ink sacs to make the text glow.
Works with both default and dyed signs.
beta one.16.210.sixty Colour on dyed signs disappears and the text turns back to blackness.
Signs with applied glowing outcome as well every bit color stops glowing and colour is removed.
1.16.220 beta ane.16.220.50 Signs tin now be used while belongings a dye to change the text colour again.
Signs can now exist tinted with glow ink sacs to make the text glow once more.
beta Now has sounds for being dyed.
release A glowing effect can no longer be applied to signs due to glow ink sacs becoming inaccessible in the total release.
1.17.0 beta Oak Sign BE3.png Spruce Sign BE2.png Birch Sign BE2.png Acacia Sign BE2.png Jungle Sign BE2.png Dark Oak Sign BE2.png Textures of sign items was updated.
Oak Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Oak Wall Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png The textures of oak signs take been changed to reflect the changes made to planks in the Texture Update.
i.17.10 beta Glowing text on signs now has an outer glow, making text more visible in the dark.
1.18.x beta ane.18.10.20 Oak Sign JE3.png Spruce Sign JE2.png Birch Sign JE2.png Acacia Sign JE2.png Jungle Sign JE2.png Dark Oak Sign JE2.png Crimson Sign JE2.png Warped Sign JE2.png Inverse all signs textures as items.
1.19.0 beta i.19.0.20 Mangrove Sign JE1 BE1.png Mangrove Wall Sign JE1 BE1.png Mangrove Sign (item) JE1 BE1.png Added mangrove signs.
Legacy Console Edition
TU1 CU1 one.0 Patch 1 1.0.1 Oak Standing Sign.png Oak Sign JE1 BE1.png Added signs.
TU9 Signs are at present stackable up to 16.
The same crafting recipe for signs now produces 3 signs instead of 1.
ane.88 Spruce Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Birch Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Jungle Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Acacia Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Dark Oak Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Spruce Sign JE1 BE1.png Birch Sign JE1 BE1.png Jungle Sign JE1 BE1.png Acacia Sign JE1 BE1.png Dark Oak Sign JE1 BE1.png Added bandbox, birch, jungle, acacia and dark oak signs.
1.90 Oak Sign JE2 BE2.png The texture of oak sign items has been changed.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.0 Oak Standing Sign (S) JE2 BE2.png Oak Sign JE1 BE1.png Added signs.

Gallery [ ]

Issues [ ]

Issues relating to "Sign" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues at that place.

References [ ]

  1. MC-117815

How To Make A Sign On Minecraft,


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