
When Can Arcanine Learn Extremespeed

When does Growlithe learn farthermost speed?

Question asked past game_freak071693 on

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Question for Pokemon FireRed

When does Growlithe learn farthermost speed? I really want to know because I don't want to evolve my growlithe until it learns that.

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ShadowDemon1892 answered:

Information technology learns it after information technology evolves into arcanine at lv. 49

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Guest said: 7th Aug 2017 | Study

Oh if it was Sun and Moon, and then you could only go to the move reminder and Extreme Speed would be there.

You lot


information technology at a certain level to get Extremespeed. I'm not sure which level so save earlier trying at each level above 30 I think. I know it's not whatsoever lower than that.


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Guest said: 2nd Jul 2017 | Written report

bro what lvl?!?!?

Guest said: 21st Jul 2019 | Written report

Endeavour level 50

Growlithe doesn''t learn extreme speed. The only manner to teach growlithe extremespeed is to


him into arcanine. Go arcanine to level 49.

Note:if you get growlithe to level 49 he will acquire flamethrower

It does not learn extreme speed until it evolves. So train it to level forty-48 then Evolve information technology with a fire stone and so raise it to level 49 and so it will acquire extreme speed.

Well I Evolve mine at 42 and my arcanine learn it at 54.

Train up your growlithe to lvl 49 then information technology learms flamethrower, then utilize the fire rock to Evolve it into arcanine, and then it learns extreme speed.

Guest answered:

Growlithe learns it in your dreams Rk9
(chuggaconroy made that upwardly). Learns it
at level 49
"a very fast and powerful attack".

Invitee answered:

I think arcanine learns it at level 39

Guest answered:

My Growlithe learnt Flamethrower without teaching it? Does that mean my Growlithe is Unique?

Guest answered:

Lvl 49 growlithe learns flamethrower lvl 49 arcanine learns Xtremespeed

Guest answered:

Information technology learns it at level 49. So railroad train it to 48 then Evolve information technology and then go it to level 49. And bam yous accept extreme speed. Likewise don't go growlithle to 49 then evolve it or it won't piece of work. Smile EnjoySmile

Invitee answered:

I exactly don't know about other games just in Pokémon FireRed, Train your Growlithe upto level 49 so apply Fire Rock on information technology. When it will Evolve into arcanine it will learn Extream Speed.

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